Look after your heart
The pump that provides oxygen and nutrients to all the tissues in your body, looking after the heart is key to a healthy life. Heart disease is also the number one cause of death worldwide, and it’s preventable by managing certain factors in your lifestyle.
Eat for heart health
Alongside following one of our recommended nutrition plans, including a healthy, balanced diet with lots of good quality protein, fats and carbs, eating food rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help ward off heart disease. Fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines have high sources of omega-3 fatty acids, so try and get this in at least two meals per week. If you love a sweet treat, adding dark chocolate to your weekly food plan will benefit your heart health, as it helps fight inflammation and lowers your risk of heart disease.
Strength and cardio training
Aerobic fitness keeps your heart healthy, so make sure you get your cardio in, but that’s not the only exercise that’ll benefit your heart. Lifting weights and strength training will help build muscle mass and burn more calories, ensuring you maintain a healthy weight and body fat level.
Stop smoking
Smoking can have a serious effect on your heart health, and is one of the top controllable risk factors for heart disease. Not smoking can help protect your heart, health and blood.
Manage any stress
Take time out to relax each day. Even if it’s just for half an hour, de-stressing can be hugely beneficial to your overall health. If stress is part of your everyday life, you’re at increased risk of high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease.
Try pet therapy
Not only do they offer good company, having a pet provides numerous health benefits. Studies show that having a pet helps improve your heart and lung function, plus taking your dog on a walk gets you out in the fresh air and boosts your NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis).
Walk more
Whether it’s with your pet, partner or family member, taking more walks can help clear your head, in turn lowering your stress levels and improving your physical and mental health.
Life’s better when you’re laughing
If you’ve ever heard the quote ‘laughter is the best form of therapy’, you better believe it! Whether it’s with your friends, family or at your favourite funny movie, laughing can lower stress hormones, decrease inflammation in your arteries and raise your levels of good cholesterol.
Stretch it out
Whether it’s a weekly yoga or pilates session, improving your balance, flexibility and stretching it out can help you relax and relieve stress. Yoga can help improve heart health by increasing circulation and blood flow around your body.
Take time to meditate
Before you start your day, take time to meditate and practise breathing. It will only take 5 minutes and can help reduce stress and lower blood pressure, which are risk factors for coronary artery disease and heart attacks.
Sexual activity helps your heart
Believe it or not, your sexual activity can do more than add pleasure to your life! Increasing the amount you have helps lower your blood pressure and risk of heart disease. Those who have less sex are also at higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
Brush your teeth
Keep your smile sparkling and protect your heart health, just by brushing your teeth regularly! Good oral hygiene protects your mouth from the bacteria that causes gum disease, which can raise your risk of heart disease.
Keep your eye on the numbers
It’s always important to track your levels of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides to help keep your heart in tip-top condition.